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Where does the time go?!

Posted on May 16th, 2012

I just logged onto WordPress and realised that I haven’t blogged since 29th April!  Shameful!

In my defence, life has been incredibly hectic recently.  I haven’t had a day to just relax and BE since the last post, which has been all a bit tiring!  But on the upside, lots of exciting things are happening – I’ve been asked to go and give a concert in Enfield, Middlesex to commemorate a church’s centenary which is a real honour and things are all sorted for the concert in Bristol on 28th July at the beautiful St. James Priory – Bristol’s oldest building, founded in 1129.  As ever, watch this space – and particularly, check out my Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kathryn-Crosweller/204891109530550

So this evening I was driving home listening to some worship music (not my usual style but we have a worship band in tomorrow lunchtime for Christian Union so I thought I’d get in the mood!), and was happily singing along to ‘How Great is Our God’ by the wonderful Chris Tomlin.  The sun was shining, the road was clear; all was well with the world!  Then I looked up as I drove through a village and saw two birds (possibly crows?!  Not my forte…) sitting in a tree.  I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of the greatness of creation and my own insignificance within it.  It’s not the sort of feeling you can really put into words, and not one I have experienced very often, but it was really special.

The philosophical arguments for the existence of God include arguments about creation proving God’s existence.  I’m not massively convinced by either but I think that this evening, driving through The Deverills in Wiltshire, I understood for the first time something of what Aquinas, Paley and the like were talking about.  Creation is so magnificent that sometimes it’s just right to see God acting through it.

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