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‘If you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all…’

Posted on March 28th, 2012

I have been thinking about this saying quite a bit over the last 2 days.  I would really like to try to put it into practice, but I can imagine people around me being only too happy to criticise me if I fail!

Being positive is something I try to do all the time, although I don’t think I’m necessarily predisposed to it.  I am often told I smile a lot and people who I rarely speak to will sometimes comment on it.  In fact, I’ve had more compliments about smiling than about pretty much anything else throughout my life!  The first compliment I ever had was about my smile…I can remember it clearly!  Smiling makes a difference…it’s a way to release endorphins (the happy hormone!) which will lift your mood and help you feel happier.  A character from the TV programme, Ally McBeal, went to ‘Smile Therapy’ to help him with his problems.  I wonder if he was onto something!

Maybe a way that I could put this idiom into practice is to smile when I feel the need to criticise or talk about someone.  Worth a try!  Although I’m naturally smiley so I don’t want my facial expression to be misconstrued…

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